Saturday, July 21, 2012

belly art fun

Sepnt the morning at The Pod. It was a moms' meetup for all those who are attending and those interested to join the birth preparation class. 
Gen was a bit reluctant when he knew it would be the husbands painting their wives' belly. He asked if he can only draw a one-stroker: one curve line for a mountain (closest symbol to "Zion"). But when we got there, things got exciting. Seven couples were there and almost all of the men were clueless what to do draw until Yanyan, the artist/mom-to-be, showed us photos of what she previously did. We were all inspired.
(We also got to enjoy the time bonding with our expectant disciples--Shong and Cathy =) Pregnancy is fun! Discipleship is fun!)

Gen wanted something that will hide my navel. So, we thought of a camera (retro/vintage) lens; And then we remembered, there's an app icon in our phones that we can copy from--Instagram! Gen worked on it meticulously--hence, the masterpiece! 

Instalove: we hope we can capture the instant, big love we have for you, our little dreamer... we love you before we even meet and hold you...

I loved how it turned out. Looks like there's no sign of tension. I guess he was having fun as he was also talking to Zi while painting. 'Love the bonding! =)

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