Wednesday, March 7, 2012

third doctor's visit

Doc Weng checked for baby's heartbeat using the Dopler device. We could hear sounds but the most striking onrs were actually, according to her, from the placenta. She believes the placenta is covering the fetus.

Yes, fetus. At 10 weeks now (baby is 9 weeks, but pregnancy is at 10 weeks), baby is already considered a fetus. Amniotic sac has formed, joints are developing while toes and fingers are also growing.

I weighed 50.6 kg, and my weight gain is normal. Weeee! (Thanks to my doting husband! Wala pang pinagbabawal ang doktor, siya marami na!)

Also, I am done with bed rest but I still need to refrain from working too much and carrying portly stuff so that baby holds well--which to us, still meant, resting (in bed! since I don't have other place to go but our bedroom!) Yes. the bed rest wasn't caused by low-lying placenta or low implantation but fatigue (ha, January was a roller coaster of wonderful things!).

My heart cries at God's sustaining grace. We were just told that another patient at the clinic was 10 weeks pregnant, had bed-rest and taking the same meds as I did, just had miscarriage. I don't know whether I should rejoice, because we were never in competition, and I never knew / saw her. But we could truly see God's faithfulness working right in our midst. If only I could wish pregnancy would be much easier than this. But I also want to see God work in and through us and in Himself be greatly credited all the praise!


(please keep us in your prayers... thanks!)

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