Wednesday, December 14, 2011

love doesn't pay the bills

chicken macaroni soup, shrimp and coles law with cheese mustard and strawberry vinegarette (+rice xempre!) made our dinner tonight! :):)

our first electric bill arrived. we were totally preparing for responsibilities like this. and to our surprise, it is something we could really afford: 12.00 Php!


the Lord knows we need that transition period. we used to live a life free from bill payments (well, personally as a
pastor's kid, we were graced to live at the parsonage--where basic bills were free. yes, we're blessed to have thoughtful leaders in BCC!) and now we're here---paying our bills! Pastor Rich once said we have to prepare ourselves doing so. Love doesn't pay our bills. we have to work and earn money!

to Gen and I, we love paying our bills. it means God is always providing for us! wow! :):)

let's all live joyful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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